Which Of The Following Is Correct Regarding Use Of Formal English?

b. in formal english, we use words to say precisely what we mean. c. formal english is used more frequently in speaking than in writing. d. contractions are considered acceptable in any formal document.The teacher drew the attention of the boys of the class. The third is incorrect. The noun "class" needs an article before it. The first two are OK, but I would use "in" instead of "of".Most speakers of English will, during appropriate situations, select and use all three types of expressions. [question text="Which of the following is the main topic of the passage? " answers=" Standard speech#Idiomatic phrases#*Different types of vocabulary#Dictionary usage "].d. Its use is incompatible with the goals of domain modeling. e. The diagrams require you to include too much detail. a) Which of the following statements is the most correct? b) A deployment view shows how the system is installed in the target environment.A. Formal English is used more frequently in speaking than in writing. B. When completing a resume, it's best keep the language informal. C. Contractions are considered acceptable in any formal document. D. In formal English, we use words to say precisely what we mean.

Regarding use of article "the" , which of the following sentence is...

Thomas and McGourlay: English Legal System Concentrate. Chapter 1: Multiple choice questions. Which of the following is the correct statement of law? Which of the following accurately reflects the distinction between substantive and procedural law?Regards, Best regards, and Kind regards are good email sign-offs. Remember that concerning and about can work just as well as, and more concisely than, in regard to and with regard to. The phrases in regards to and with regards to are never correct, and you might garner criticism if you use them.As a widely used Idiom , "for example" is a better way to express. But this depends on the Originally Answered: Which of the following option will be correct? (English). I'm not going to explain Neither is quite correct, although your first one is sort of OK. Here are ways I would write that idea depending...A. Formal English is used more frequently in speaking than in writing. B. In formal business correspondence, it's best keep the language impersonal. 4. For the greeting in a business letter when you don't know the name of the person who will be reading it, which of the following is least likely to...

Regarding use of article "the" , which of the following sentence is...

Мгимо Английский Язык / Тест 07 / Задание V / Прочтите Текст...

(a)It is a modelling language (b)It is a DTP language (c)It is a partial programming language (d)It is used to structure documents (e)It is a scripting 1. Continuous integration allows you to check the quality of the software you are delivering every single time you commit a change. You can do this by...Learn how to write a good formal business email of response/reply in this online exercise When the answer is correct, this icon will appear next to the answer. Click on it to find extra I can confirm the following: (phrase) This is a commonly used formal sentence to introduce the section of your answers.-A form of working papers used by accountants and can be helpful in preparing financial statements. review the following statements and select which is correct regarding a worksheet and formal financial statement. The withdrawal's account balance will be used in preparing the statement...1. The use of correct English reduces the likelihood of misunderstanding. A better way to express this is "with regard to these messages" or "with regard to the following messages."The word reference is best used to mean a specific fact or poiint, in declaratory statements such as "This was a reference...Question :8: Which of the following would most likely be found in an informal letter?Take care, and I look forward to hearing from you soon! Question :9: Which of the following is an example of very formal language?You attendance is requested at…

Question and answer

Which of the following is correct regarding use of formal English? A. Formal English is used extra frequently in talking than in writing. B. Contractions are thought to be acceptable in any formal document. C. When completing a r sum , it's best keep the language casual. D. In formal English, we use phrases to mention precisely what we imply.

The following is correct regarding use of formal English: In formal English, we use phrases to mention exactly what we mean.

Expert answered|Score .8996|Wallet.ro|Points 136093|

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