[Solved] Which Of The Following Is The Primary Reason Why...

Which of the following is generally a method to determine whether or not to include certain details into your research article? Which of the following is a common restriction regarding title pages? Why is it important to discuss participant characteristics such as demographic variability?1. Of the following, which is the best reason to avoid domain analysis? a) Which of the following statements is the most correct? b) A deployment view shows how the system is installed in the target Because it provides a company with information to guarantee delivery of a project. Answer.If you have been asking yourself 'why outsource work', read this article to discover the top reasons for outsourcing work to offshore vendors. Industry trends show that companies that have been asking the question 'why outsource' have become vocal advocates of the offshore model.Which of the following should not be a criterion for a good research project? d: Deductive reasoning. 3. Research that seeks to examine the findings of a study by using the same design but a different sample is Researchers want to find out why people do this and how they feel about it.Different companies outsource for a variety of reasons, based on the nature of their business or their type of industry. Low labor costs are the primary reason why companies choose to outsource. For example, outsourcing to India can give you access to services of international quality at a low cost...

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Outsourcing involves transfering work to employees outside your company. Here are the top reasons firms choose to outsource labor. Outsourcing is when a company hires an outside contractor to do what an employee could. The outside contractor could be overseas, or it could be someone who lives...Eastern Asia Mexico United States Great Britain. 7. Which of the following is not a factor in determining a culture's economic activity? climate language physical landforms natural East Asia is the eastward subregion of Asia, which can be determined in both geographical or ethnocultural times.One of the primary components of operating costs is the cost of goods sold (COGS). To choose the right program or service for you, ask yourself the following questions 2. Outsourcing. Another option to improve efficiency is to outsource certain business practices to a third-party specialist.Why Do Companies Outsource? All Your Questions Answered. Why Do Companies Outsource? Digital transformation drives industries outside the IT field to develop better software solutions Before you start working with a software outsourcing company, take into consideration the following things

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Why Outsource Work - Outsource2india | Reasons for Outsourcing

Outsourcing has become increasingly popular over the last decade as companies grow and their needs start to get so specific, that supply for particular positions, is not easily found in the national market. Moreover, with the rise of the startup ecosystem, outsourcing has provided a way for...Which of the following is the primary reason why companies outsource? Tap outside sources of expertise. Reduce headcount and related expenses. Offshore outsourcing. What is a project milestone? An internal department that oversees all organizational projects.Why should companies expand internationally? A truly multinational company is one which has a globalized The primary reasons that companies opt to expand into foreign markets are to Some of the reasons because of which companies opt for foreign direct investment strategy as the mode...Outsourcing is an efficient and effective process which helps businesses achieve profit objectives Take a look at the following statistics: 53% of marketing executives want to outsource marketing. These numbers provide strong evidence on the 6 reasons why companies are outsourcing services.The outsourcing of labor overseas is a natural result of the globalization of markets, and businesses' drive to cut costs to maximize profits. The most ubiquitous case is the outsourcing of customer support or technical support to places like India. When customers hear a foreign accent answer their...

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1. Which of the following must now not be a criterion for a just right analysis venture?

Demonstrates the skills of the researcher Is dependent on the of completion of different initiatives Demonstrates the integration of other fields of knowledge Develops the abilities of the researcher


b. Is dependent on the crowning glory of other projects

2. Which shape of reasoning is the process of drawing a particular conclusion from a set of premises?

Objective reasoning Positivistic reasoning Inductive reasoning Deductive reasoning


d: Deductive reasoning

3. Research that seeks to examine the findings of a study through the usage of the identical design but a different pattern is which of the following?

An exploratory study A replication find out about An empirical study Hypothesis checking out


b: A replication study

4. A researcher designs an experiment to check how variables interact to persuade job-seeking behaviours. The major goal of the find out about was:

Description Prediction Exploration Explanation


d: Explanation

5. Cyber bullying at paintings is a growing risk to worker process pride. Researchers need to to find out why folks do this and the way they really feel about it. The primary objective of the study is:

Description Prediction Exploration Explanation


c: Exploration

6. A concept: 

Is an accumulated body of wisdom Includes inconsequential concepts Is independent of analysis methodology Should be seen uncritically


a: Is an gathered frame of knowledge

7. Which analysis components is a bottom-up way to analysis?

Deductive method Explanatory formula Inductive method Exploratory method


c: Inductive formulation

8. How a lot self belief will have to you set in one research find out about?

You must trust analysis findings after other researchers have replicated the findings You should utterly believe a unmarried research study Neither a nor b Both a and b 


a: You must accept as true with analysis findings after different researchers have replicated the findings

9. A qualitative analysis drawback commentary:

Specifies the research tips on how to be applied Specifies a research hypothesis Expresses a relationship between variables Conveys a sense of rising design


d: Conveys a way of emerging design

10. Which of the following is a good analysis question?

To produce a report on student task looking behaviours To establish the courting between self-efficacy and pupil task looking behaviours Students with upper levels of self-efficacy will demonstrate extra lively activity looking behaviours Do scholars with prime levels of self-efficacy exhibit extra active task searching behaviours?


d: Do students with high levels of self-efficacy show more lively job looking behaviours?

11. A overview of the literature prior to formulating research questions lets in the researcher to :

Provide an up-to-date understanding of the matter, its importance, and structure Guide the building of analysis questions Present the sorts of research methodologies used in previous research All of the above


d: All of the above

12. Sometimes a complete assessment of the literature prior to data collection is no longer recommended by way of:

Ethnomethodology Grounded idea Symbolic interactionism Feminist principle


b: Grounded idea

13. The feasibility of a research learn about should be regarded as in gentle of: 

Cost and time required to behavior the study Access to gatekeepers and respondents Potential moral issues All of the above


d: All of the above

14. Research that makes use of qualitative tips for one section and quantitative methods for the next segment is referred to as:

Action research Mixed-method analysis Quantitative research Pragmatic analysis


b: Mixed-method analysis

15. Research hypotheses are:

Formulated previous to a evaluate of the literature Statements of predicted relationships between variables B but not A Both A and B


c: B but no longer A

16. Which analysis approach is according to the epistemological perspective of pragmatism? 

Quantitative research Qualitative research Mixed-methods analysis All of the above


c: Mixed-methods research

17. Adopting ethical rules in research way: 

Avoiding harm to participants The researcher is nameless Deception is most effective used when important Selected informants give their consent


a: Avoiding harm to individuals

18. An intensive point of view on ethics means that: 

Researchers can do anything else they would like The use of checklists of moral actions is very important The powers of Institutional Review Boards must be reinforced Ethics will have to be according to self-reflexivity


d: Ethics will have to be in keeping with self-reflexivity

19. Ethical issues can stand up when researching the Internet because:

Everyone has access to digital media Respondents might faux their identities Researchers may pretend their identities Internet analysis has to be covert


b: Respondents might fake their identities

20. The Kappa statistic: 

Is a measure of inter-judge validity Compares the level of agreement between two judges in opposition to what would possibly have been predicted accidentally Ranges from 0 to +1 Is appropriate above a rating of 0.5


b: Compares the stage of settlement between two judges in opposition to what might have been predicted by chance


1. Which analysis paradigm is maximum focused on generalizing its findings? 

Quantitative research Qualitative research Mixed-methods analysis All of the above


a: Quantitative research

2. A variable that is presumed to motive a transformation in every other variable is referred to as:

An intervening variable A dependent variable An unbiased variable A numerical variable


c: An impartial variable

3. A learn about of educating professionals posits that their performance-related pay increases their motivation which in turn leads to an increase of their task satisfaction. What sort of variable is 'motivation"' in this learn about? 

Extraneous  Confounding Intervening Manipulated


c: Intervening

4. Which correlation is the strongest? 

–1.00 +80 –60 +05


a: –1.00

5. When deciphering a correlation coefficient expressing the courting between two variables, it is vital to not:

Assume causality Measure the values for X and Y independently Choose X and Y values which can be in most cases allotted Check the path of the relationship


a: Assume causality

6. Which of the following can also be described as a nominal variable? 

Annual income Age Annual sales Geographical location of a firm


d: Geographical location of a company

7. A favorable correlation occurs when:

Two variables remain consistent Two variables transfer in the identical path One variable is going up and the other is going down Two variables transfer in reverse directions


b: Two variables transfer in the identical path

8. The key defining feature of experimental research is that:

The impartial variable is manipulated Hypotheses are proved A positive correlation exists Samples are huge


a: The unbiased variable is manipulated

9. Qualitative analysis is utilized in all the following circumstances, EXCEPT:

It is in line with a set of non-numerical knowledge similar to words and images It ceaselessly uses small samples It makes use of the inductive method It is normally used when a great deal is already recognized about the subject of hobby


d: It is generally used when a perfect deal is already recognized about the subject of pastime

10. In an experiment, the crew that does not obtain the intervention is referred to as:

The experimental group The player workforce The keep an eye on workforce The remedy staff


c: The control group

11. Which in most cases cannot be guaranteed in conducting qualitative studies in the box? 

Keeping contributors from bodily and emotional harm Gaining knowledgeable consent Assuring anonymity reasonably than just confidentiality Maintaining consent bureaucracy


c: Assuring anonymity fairly than just confidentiality

12. Which of the following is not ethical follow in research with people? 

Maintaining members' anonymity Gaining informed consent Informing individuals that they are loose to withdraw at any time Requiring individuals to proceed till the learn about has been finished


d: Requiring members to continue till the study has been finished

13. What can we name knowledge that are used for a new find out about however which had been accumulated through an previous researcher for a different set of analysis questions?

Secondary knowledge Field notes Qualitative knowledge Primary information


a: Secondary knowledge

14. When each and every member of a population has an equivalent likelihood of being decided on, this is referred to as:

A snowball sample A stratified sample A random chance pattern A non-random pattern


c: A random chance sample

15. Which of the following tactics yields a simple random sample of hospitals?

Randomly selecting a district and then sampling all hospitals inside the district Numbering all the components of a hospital sampling frame and then using a random quantity generator to pick hospitals from the table Listing hospitals by way of sector and choosing a percentage from inside of each and every sector at random Choosing volunteer hospitals to take part


b: Numbering all the parts of a clinic sampling frame and then using a random number generator to pick hospitals from the desk

16. Which of the following statements are true?

The better the pattern size, the higher the self belief period The smaller the pattern measurement, the greater the sampling error The extra categories being measured, the smaller the sample size A self belief degree of ninety five percent is always enough


b: The smaller the sample measurement, the larger the sampling error

17. Which of the following will produce the least sampling error?

A big sample in accordance with convenience sampling  A small pattern based on random sampling A big snowball sample A large sample in accordance with random sampling


d: A large sample in accordance with random sampling

18. When persons are readily to be had, volunteer, or are easily recruited to the sample, this is referred to as:

Snowball sampling Convenience sampling Stratified sampling Random sampling


b: Convenience sampling

19. In qualitative analysis, sampling that comes to selecting diverse instances is referred to as:

Typical-case sampling Critical-case sampling Intensity sampling Maximum variation sampling


d: Maximum variation sampling

20. A examine accurately signifies an employee's scores on a future criterion (e.g., conscientiousness).  What sort of validity is this?

Predictive Face Content Concurrent


a: Predictive


1. When designing a questionnaire it is necessary to do each of the following EXCEPT

Pilot the questionnaire Avoid jargon Avoid double questions Use main questions


d: Use main questions

2. One merit of the usage of a questionnaire is that:

Probe questions may also be asked Respondents can be put comfortable Interview bias may also be have shyed away from Response charges are always prime


c: Interview bias can also be have shyed away from

3. Which of the following is true of observations?

It takes less time than interviews It is steadily no longer conceivable to resolve exactly why people behave as they do Covert commentary raises fewer ethical issues than overt All of the above


b: It is continuously now not possible to resolve precisely why folks behave as they do

4. A researcher secretly becomes an energetic member of a bunch with a view to observe their behaviour. This researcher is appearing as:

An overt player observer A covert non-participant observer A covert player observer None of the above


c: A covert player observer

5. All of the following are advantages of structured observation, EXCEPT:

Results will also be replicated at a unique time The coding time table might impose a framework on what is being noticed Data may also be collected that participants won't realize is necessary Data wouldn't have to depend on the recall of individuals


b: The coding time table might impose a framework on what is being seen

6. When engaging in an interview, asking questions such as: "What else? or 'Could you increase on that?' are all forms of:

Structured responses Category questions Protocols Probes


d: Probes

7. Secondary knowledge can include which of the following? 

Government statistics Personal diaries Organizational data All of the above


d: All of the above

8. An ordinal scale is:

The simplest form of measurement A scale with an absolute zero point A rank-order scale of size A scale with equal durations between ranks


c: A rank-order scale of measurement

9. Which term measures the extent to which ratings from a examine can be utilized to deduce or predict functionality in some job? 

Face validity Content reliability Criterion-related validity Construct validity


c: Criterion-related validity

10. The 'reliability'of a measure refers to the researcher asking:

Does it give consistent effects? Does it measure what it is intended to measure? Can the results be generalized? Does it have face reliability?


a: Does it give consistent effects?

11. Interviewing is the favoured means EXCEPT when:

There is a need for extremely customized data It is important to invite supplementary questions High numbers of respondents are wanted Respondents have issue with written language


c: High numbers of respondents are needed

12. Validity in interviews is bolstered via the following EXCEPT:

Building rapport with interviewees Multiple questions duvet the same theme Constructing interview schedules that include subject matters drawn from the literature Prompting respondents to amplify on initial responses


b: Multiple questions quilt the similar theme

13. Interview questions will have to:

Lead the respondent Probe sensitive issues Be delivered in a neutral tone Test the respondents' powers of memory


c: Be delivered in a neutral tone

14. Active listening skills way:

Asking as many questions as imaginable Avoiding silences Keeping to time Attentive listening


d: Attentive listening

15. All the following are strengths of focal point groups EXCEPT:

They allow access to a variety of participants Discussion allows for the validation of concepts and views They can generate a collective standpoint They assist take care of confidentiality


d: They lend a hand handle confidentiality

16. Which of the following is not all the time true about focus teams?

The very best measurement is generally between 6 and 12 contributors Moderators should introduce themselves to the staff Participants will have to come from diverse backgrounds The moderator poses preplanned questions


c: Participants should come from various backgrounds

17. A drawback of the use of secondary data is that:

The data may have been amassed as regards to analysis questions that are not the ones of the researcher The researcher might carry more detachment in viewing the information than authentic researchers may just muster Data have incessantly been gathered by means of teams of experienced researchers Secondary knowledge sets are regularly to be had and accessible


a: The information will have been amassed with regards to analysis questions that aren't the ones of the researcher

18. All of the following are sources of secondary information EXCEPT:

Official statistics A television documentary The researcher's research diary A company's annual file


c: The researcher's research diary

19. Which of the following is not true about visual tips?

They aren't reliant on respondent recall The have low resource necessities They do not depend on words to capture what is going down They can seize what is happening in actual time


b: The have low useful resource necessities

20. Avoiding naïve empiricism in the interpretation of visual information way:

Understanding the context in which they had been produced Ensuring that visual pictures such as photographs are as it should be taken Only using visible photographs with different knowledge collecting resources Planning the seize of visible knowledge sparsely


a: Understanding the context in which they had been produced


1. Which of the following is mistaken when naming a variable in SPSS?

Must start with a letter and not a host Must result in a full stop Cannot exceed 64 characters Cannot come with symbols corresponding to ?, & and %


b: Must lead to a complete forestall

2. Which of the following is not an SPSS Type variable?

Word Numeric String Date


a: Word

3. A graph that uses vertical bars to represent data is known as:

A bar chart A pie chart A line graph A vertical graph


a: A bar chart

4. The objective of descriptive statistics is to:

Summarize the traits of a knowledge set Draw conclusions from the information None of the above All of the above


a: Summarize the traits of an information set

5. The measure of the extent to which responses vary from the imply is known as:

The mode The standard distribution The same old deviation The variance


c: The same old deviation

6. To evaluate the functionality of a bunch at time T1 after which at T2, we would use:

A chi-squared verify One-way analysis of variance Analysis of variance A paired t-test


d: A paired t-test

7. A Type 1 error happens in a state of affairs where:

The null hypothesis is accepted when it is in truth true The null speculation is rejected when it is actually false The null speculation is rejected when it is actually true The null hypothesis is accredited when it is in reality false


c: The null hypothesis is rejected when it is in truth true

8. The importance level

Is set after a statistical verify is carried out Is all the time set at 0.05 Results in a p-value Measures the chance of rejecting a true null speculation


d: Measures the chance of rejecting a true null hypothesis

9. To are expecting the cost of the dependent variable for a brand new case according to the wisdom of a number of independent variables, we'd use

Regression analysis Correlation analysis Kolmogorov-Smirnov verify One-way analysis of variance


a: Regression research

10. In undertaking secondary knowledge analysis, researchers should ask themselves all of the following EXCEPT:

Who produced the record? Is the material authentic? How can respondents be re-interviewed? Why was once the document produced?


c: How can respondents be re-interviewed?

11. Which of the following aren't true of reflexivity?

It acknowledges that the researcher is no longer a impartial observer It has mainly been implemented to the research of qualitative information It is part of a post-positivist tradition A danger of adopting a reflexive stance is the researcher can become the focus of the find out about


c: It is part of a post-positivist tradition

12. Validity in qualitative research can also be strengthened by way of all of the following EXCEPT:

Member checking for accuracy and interpretation Transcribing interviews to toughen accuracy of data Exploring rival explanations Analysing adverse instances


b: Transcribing interviews to reinforce accuracy of knowledge

13. Qualitative knowledge research programs are useful for each and every of the following EXCEPT: 

Manipulation of massive quantities of knowledge Exploring of the knowledge against new dimensions Querying of knowledge Generating codes


d: Generating codes

14. Which part of a analysis record accommodates details of how the research used to be deliberate and carried out?

Results Design  Introduction Background


b: Design 

15. Which of the following is a kind of analysis normally carried out via managers and other pros to address issues in their organizations and/or skilled practice?

Action analysis Basic analysis Professional analysis Predictive research


a: Action research

16. Plagiarism may also be have shyed away from via:

Copying the paintings of others accurately Paraphrasing the writer's text on your own words Cut and pasting from the Internet Quoting at once with out revealing the supply


b: Paraphrasing the author's textual content to your personal words

17. In getting ready for a presentation, you should do all of the following EXCEPT:

Practice the presentation Ignore your nerves Get to grasp more about your audience Take a complicated glance, if possible, at the facilities


b: Ignore your nerves

18. You can create interest in your presentation by way of:

Using bullet issues Reading from notes Maximizing the use of animation results Using metaphors


d: Using metaphors

19. In making ready for a viva or similar oral examination, it is very best when you have:

Avoided mentioning the examiner in your thesis Made exaggerated claims on the foundation of your information Published and referenced your personal article(s) Tried to memorize your paintings


c: Published and referenced your individual article(s)

20. Grounded concept coding:

Makes use of a priori ideas from the literature Uses open coding, selective coding, then axial coding Adopts a deductive stance Stops when theoretical saturation has been reached


d: Stops when theoretical saturation has been reached

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